About us

Libresoft is a research group in the Telematic Systems and Computing Department (GSyC) of University Rey Juan Carlos. The group is based in URJC Campus at Fuenlabrada, where the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering is located.


Libresoft was founded in 2001, and today it has become a reference research group in libre software and open virtual communities. Libresoft is led by professors Jesús M. González Barahona, Pedro de las Heras and Gregorio Robles. Our staff consists of 15 researchers and students working on a wide variety of topics intertwined with libre software and open communities. We are libre software practitioners and enthusiasts, devoted to research, education and innovation and passionate about technology and knowledge transfer to academia, industry and our society at large.

Our research portfolio incorporates many different fields, reflecting the emerging influence exerted by libre software and its open collaborative philosophy in a wide range of settings:

  • Empirical software engineering: development process in libre software projects.
  • Methods and tools for information retrieval and analysis of open collaborative communities: libre software, Wikipedia.
  • Software development and services for mobile platforms: Android.
  • Augmented reality, geolocated applications and social networks.
  • Mobile technologies and devices for healthcare.
  • Technology-enhanced learning: learning platforms, gymkhanas with mobile devices.
  • Training on general and specific areas of libre software:
  • Official Master on Libre Software
  • Android software development
  • Information systems integration
  • Consulting on libre software

The Libresoft team has gathered extensive experience in national and international research projects. Our work has been funded by the European Commission (FP6, FP7, IDABC, LLP-ERASMUS-ECUE), the Spanish Government (Avanza, CICYT), the Government of the Region of Madrid, public foundations (CENATIC), educational institutions (EOI business school) and private companies (Google, Telefónica, Andago, Vodafone, Infojobs). Our research work has been featured on numerous occassions in national and international media and we frequently organize or participate in academic and featured events, meetings and initiatives on libre software and related technologies.

In case you are interested, you are welcome to contact us.

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