

As a research group of the URJC, we do have several academic lines related to libre software, systems architecture, mobile applications and also SME training in FLOSS. Also our academic work involves several European, National and regional initiatives, public and privately funded.

Master on Free Software

Our Masters in Free Software, started in 2007 in Galicia, establishing the first edition there, that just one year later was also celebrated in Madrid (2008). After it’s success, Madrid edition of the Masters of free software became an official Masters (Bolognia) in 2010 and 2011/2012 will be the second official edition.

Master on Free Software is based on a teaching methodology called blended learning, which combines the best of the traditional teaching with the best of e-learning, backed by staff specifically dedicated to these tasks through forums, email lists, regular meetings on IRC and various on-line activities.

Also offers the academic view, mainly offered by the research staff and students, very specially about quantitative measurement of libre software but also an industrial view, with several seminars and talks given by many different industrial agents, from consolidated multinational companies to Mobile applications startups.

The master is mainly intended for senior Engineers, from the branch of Telecommunications, Information Technology or Industrial, engineers, from the branch of Telecommunications, Information Technology or Industrial, or even other graduates interested in these matters.

Specialised courses

The group also offers some specialised courses, related to mobile application development ith Android and Systems architecture with FLOSS. These courses last around 40 hours and help all the students to get a solid grasp of the foundations of these topics.

FLOSS training for SMEs

The group has carried out several FLOSS training initiatives for Small-Medium Enterprises, all of them in different locations of Spain (Canary Islands, Navarra, Madrid, Castilla la Mancha) offering the students a quick grasp of the most important aspects of FLOSS, such as business models, legal aspects, tools, communities or common tools.

Those concepts aim to help the SMEs to start up or undertake their projects with a solid grasp of the main aspects of FLOSS.

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